Monroe County Schools Transportation - School Bus Safety
Our mission is to safely transport the future
High Priority Safety Rules for Students
The following rules have serious potential consequence if not followed. Students who are waiting at the school bus stop and who are loading or unloading a school bus can be at risk of being hit by either the school bus or by a passing vehicle. Students riding a school bus can also be at risk if not seated and seated correctly.
At the Bus Stop
Get up and get ready on time. Arrive at the bus stop five minutes before the bus is scheduled to come.
Have all items in your book bag before you leave home so you do not drop anything.
Wait at the bus stop in a safe place, 12 feet away from the road.
Stay on your side of the road until the bus comes.
Wait in an orderly group. Form an orderly line as the bus approaches, with the first student in line standing 12 feet away from traffic.
Keep electronic equipment packed away as you prepare to board. Never use an electronic device or wear ear buds when boarding.
Return home and get help or phone for assistance if you miss the bus.
NEVER chase after the bus.
NEVER walk to another bus stop.
NEVER allow your parents to drive you to another bus stop.
Your bus driver will not be expecting you.

The School Bus Danger Zone
The Danger Zone is the 12 foot area that surrounds a stopped school bus where the bus driver might not see you or where cars might be moving when you are getting on and off the school bus.
Stay away from the dangerous areas where it is difficult for the bus driver to see you with their direct vision.
Near the right and left front tires
Near the right rear tires
Near the front door
Make sure you are always able to see the driver when outside the school bus.
NEVER return to the bus for something you left behind or dropped without getting the bus driver’s attention.
Leave any object and move to a point, out of the danger zone.
Then get the driver’s attention by putting your hands and arms above your head
and waving.
Wait for the driver to see you and give you instructions before returning to the
bus or before picking up anything dropped near the bus. If you do not get the
driver’s attention, you should not attempt to retrieve the item.
Be aware of the danger of passing cars that do not stop like they should.
The danger may be from cars passing from the rear on the left side of the bus.
Or from cars passing from all directions on both the left and right side of the bus.
Always be alert and focused when near the Danger Zone.

How to Get On the School Bus Safely if Required to Cross the Street
STAY – on your side of the road, 12 feet away from traffic.
WAIT – for the bus to stop and the stop arm to extend. Wait for your bus driver’s signal to cross. When you get to the edge of the road ...
STOP – and look for traffic both ways, then check again. When it is OK...
LOOK – for moving traffic both ways as you walk directly across the road.
CROSS – 12 feet in front of the bus in full view of your driver. Be careful in the danger zone and board the bus without delay.

Crossing the Highway is DANGEROUS – Cars May Not Stop!
Stay on your side of the road until the bus comes.
Stay at least 12 feet away from the edge of the road.
Wait for the bus to stop and for your driver to signal when it is safe to cross.
Stop walking at the edge of the road. The stop arm is asking the cars to stop, but they may not stop. YOU must look both ways for moving cars. If a car is moving,do not step into the road. When it is OK...
Continue to look both ways for moving cars as you walk straight across the road.
Cross 12 feet in front of the bus and be sure your bus driver can see you. Look for moving cars, be careful in the danger zone and promptly board the bus.
Use the handrail.
Go directly to your seat.
How to Get On the School Bus Safely if NOT Required to Cross the Street
STAY – on your side of the road, 12 feet away from the traffic.
WAIT – for the bus to stop; for the door to open; and for all traffic to stop from both directions. When it is OK...
LOOK – for moving traffic both ways as you walk through the danger zone, directly towards the bus door and board the bus without delay.

DANGER – Cars May Not Stop!
Stay on your side of the road until the bus comes.
Stay at least 12 feet away from the edge of the road.
Wait for the bus to stop and for the door to open.
Do not step towards the bus until YOU look to be sure all traffic has stopped. The stop arm is asking the cars to stop, but they may not stop. If you see a car moving, do not move forward until it has stopped. When it is OK . . .
Continue to look in both directions for moving cars as you walk straight towards the door. Be sure your bus driver can see you.
Stay away from the front and rear bus tires and promptly board the bus.
Use the handrail.
Go directly to your seat.
Safe Student Behaviors if Required to Cross Road After Exiting the Bus
LOOK – for moving traffic in all directions, especially to your right, before you exit. Cars sometimes pass the bus on the right side. When OK...
WALK – away from the right front of the bus in full view of your driver, going past the extended bus crossing gate. Then stop and...
WAIT – for your bus driver’s signal to cross. On their signal, stay 12 feet away from the bus and walk to the center of the road and...
STOP – looking both ways for moving traffic. Wait again for your driver’s signal that it is OK, then continue to...
LOOK – for moving traffic as you promptly cross and exit 12 feet off the road.

Crossing the Highway is DANGEROUS – Cars May Not Stop!
YOU must look for cars in all directions, especially the right, before you exit.
When it’s OK, walk straight away from the right front of the bus, in full view of your driver until you get past the end of the bus crossing gate. Be careful in the danger zone.
Stop and face the center of the road. Wait for your bus driver to signal when it is safe to cross. Then look for moving cars as you walk to the center of the road.
Stop there and look both ways for moving cars. The stop arm is asking the cars to stop, but they may not stop. If you see a car moving, wait for it to stop. Wait again for your driver to signal that it is safe finish crossing.
Then continue to look for cars as you walk promptly across and exit 12 feet off of the road.
Safe Student Behaviors if NOT Required to Cross Road After Exiting the Bus
LOOK – for moving traffic in all directions, especially from your right, before you leave the bus. Cars sometimes pass the bus on the right side. When it is OK, continue to...
LOOK – for moving traffic both ways as you promptly...
WALK – directly away from the bus 12 feet before stopping. You want your bus driver to see you leave the danger zone.

DANGER – Cars May Not Stop!
YOU must look for moving cars in all directions, especially to your right, before you leave the bus. The stop arm is asking the cars to stop, but they may not stop. If you see a car moving, wait for it to stop. When it is OK...
Leave the bus and continue to look for cars in both directions as you . . .
Walk straight away from the bus, in full view of your driver. Keep walking until you get out of the danger zone, 12 feet away from the bus.