Monroe County Board of Education Members

greg head standing on stairs wearing a suit

Chairman Greg Head, District 3

eva bilderback standing on steps wearing a blue blazer

Vice-Chairwoman Eva Bilderback, District 7

Sherrye Battle wearing bright yellow standing next to the flag

Sherrye Battle, District 1

priscilla doster standing on stairs wearing a brown blazer

Priscilla Doster, District 2

jeremy goodwin standing on steps wearing a black quartzip and khakis

Jeremy Goodwin, District 4

Robert Jenkins standing next to a flag

Robert Jenkins, District 5

Julie Hoots in a black shirt

Julie Hoots, District 6

Important Links & Information

Addressing or Presenting to the Board of Education

The Monroe County Board of Education recognizes the need for communicating with citizens in an effort to become more aware of matters of local interest concerning the schools and to allow the Board to explain general policies governing the operation of public schools.  To provide for this communication process and to ensure that board meetings are conducted in an orderly and efficient manner, any citizen or groups of citizens may request placement on the agenda of the Board.  

The request for presentation is to be made to the secretary of the Board by noon on the Friday preceding the next regularly scheduled meeting.  The request is to be written and shall state the nature of the matter to be presented. If the request is applicable for Board consideration, the Chairman of the BOE shall approve the request and allot up to 5 minutes for presentation. If the request is made by a group of citizens, the chairperson has the authority to compel the group to assign a spokesperson.  The chairperson also has the authority to limit citizens’ speeches, if necessary, as the meeting progresses.

Matters being presented should relate only to those over which the Board has direct jurisdiction and matters involving schools or other board agencies that have progressed through the normal chain of command process.

Board action on citizens’ requests, if needed, may be made only after an individual or groups have made their statements and concluded their participation in the meeting.

The Monroe County Board of Education welcomes and encourages citizens to attend its meetings to understand the role of the Board and the operations of the Monroe County School District.  The Board of Education will provide an opportunity for the public to address the Board at its regular monthly meetings. The Board may also call public hearings solely for the purpose of public participation and comment.