Multi-Level System of Supports (MTSS)

A quality improvement process (plan, do, check, act) ensures the systems and interventions are effectively meeting the needs of students.
Georgia Tiered System of Supports (GaTSS) The Georgia
Tiered System of Supports (GaTSS) is a data-driven, multi-tiered prevention system designed to meet the needs of the whole child. GaTSS integrates a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) into one tiered system of supports. GaTSS emphasizes improving outcomes through effective and efficient teaming and data-based decision-making. Integrating teams that typically function separately provides the opportunity for decision-making that considers the whole child (i.e., academics, behavior, and wellbeing).
A multi-level prevention system includes three levels of intensity or prevention that includes high-quality core instruction and evidence-based interventions and supports. The levels are:
Tier I: Primary Level – Instruction/Core Curriculum
Tier II: Secondary Level – Intervention
Tier III: Tertiary Level - Intensive Intervention. Essential Component: Multi-Level Prevention System

Integrated Tiered System of Supports
Historically, Georgia multi-tiered systems of support have focused solely on academics. And while this component is vitally important to student success, it does not exist independently of other factors. Many times, issues are interrelated and require integrated responses. Just as weaving together the strands of a rope increases its strength, weaving together academic, behavior, and wellbeing supports and integrating intervention strategies strengthens the impact of a tiered system of supports.